Wednesday 29 January 2014

"Where did the month of January go?", asked the calendar challenged Library Manager.

I turned around and it was January 29th, 2014. Time to take another look at my "TO-DO" list...and not the one filled with things that can be done in an hour or less.

I had just finished tweeting about our Library's 2014 reading challenge when it dawned on me that I hadn't posted anything on my blog last week...ooops!

Confession time: I did go on Twitter and I did do the exercises...but for some reason unbeknownst to me I just could not write anything worthy of being posted on my blog. Everything I wrote was either  not good enough...not funny enough...or not interesting enough. I overthought everything. Then it dawned on me...I was suffering from writer's block.

So to all my readers (I can't believe I just wrote that!) I ask that you bear with me for I think there is light at the end of this tunnel. If not there are always potato chips...just can search my office...they are all gone!


Thursday 16 January 2014

Today I need a "Check mark" day.

My staff is used to my need to look at a "to-do" list and see check marks next to all the items on the list. ( I must confess though that I do not think it is cheating that I purposely fill the list with tasks I can accomplish in under an hour.)  I have told them repeatedly that you eat an elephant one bite at a time and that every bite deserves a check mark.

I love that feeling of accomplishment I get when I take my pen in hand and make the coveted check mark. The fact that is also lets me get rid of guilt is an added bonus.

I have to go now...find a pen ...and you guessed it ...make a check mark next to item # 5 on my list:
Post something on my new blog ...

I wish you all a check mark day. :0)

Tuesday 14 January 2014

My first attempt at blogging...

Although I have been following blogs for years I have never thought of having my own. I am however up for a new adventure... Who knows what hidden talents it might help me discover. that I think of it...I have never been shy about sharing my thoughts...whether or not  this is a good thing is (I'm sure) debatable.

My biggest problem will be that I think (and talk) faster than I can type...this should make for very interesting posts...or so I hope.

Thanks for challenge 23 Things NB...and thanks Blogger for having spell check...