Saturday 8 February 2014

Please pass the chips...

It is very easy to tell if I am busy...I talk fast and I secretly want people to speak faster. I have even caught myself on the phone with a member ... helping them along (or so I think) by offering them a choice of words, phrases or sentences that (in MY mind) would help them tell me what they need or would like. The conversation might go something like this:

Caller: "Hello, I'm new to the area and I'd like to know if...(pause...breathing). Yes... I'd like to ask   you ...(dead air)"

Please keep in mind that I am busy, swamped ....and a really nice person! I even try to smile when I speak on the phone because I read somewhere that the person you're speaking with can tell.

Me: (Add speed talking here)
"What you need to become a member of our library?
 If you can use your library card here?
 If you can renew your books by phone?
 If you can place a hold on a book?
 If I can can help you with the Vision catalogue?
 If we have WiFi?
 If we do photocopies?"

Caller: " was just  wondering if you could tell me until what time you're open today?"

Now here's how you can tell that I'm busy AND tired...

Me: "Oh! No problem...Today we're awake until five..."

(Add red face here and please pass the chips.)

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